We are happy to inform you that the new version 2.1.0 of DATAGERRY is released.
The new Version can be downloaded here:
For more information about the new features read here:
DATAGERRY 2.1.0 Blog
Here is an overview of the changes:
New Features
Section Templates
- Added a new tab under “Framework => Section Templates” where sections can be prebuild and then used in the type configurations via drag and drop
- There are three different types of section templates: Standard, Global and Predefined
- Added new rights for section templates
- A “Toggle”-Button was added to the location tab in the sidebar. Now it is possible to use the complete sidebar to display locations
- Added a filter field to search for specific locations
- Starting with version 2.1.0 DATAGERRY will provide a deb-package for installations on debian systems
- Created types are now placed in categories instead of being added plain
- Added predefined section templates to several types which can be created via the assistant
- When an object is deleted, all corresponding object links will be removed. Additionally the object reference will be removed from all other objects referencing the deleted object
- Removed the info box in the type overview
- Moved the status message boxes in the top right corner down to not overlap the buttons like Settings, Logout etc.
- Fields and section identifiers are now getting an UUID instead of a random number
- In the object list table an object’s “View Mode” can now be accessed by clicking once into the row and the “Edit Mode” can be accessed by double clicking the row of the object
- When cloning a type, the sections and fields will receive new IDs if required (global section templates won’t get new IDs)
- Object Links are now deleted when one of the objects is deleted
- In type configurations the field “Reference type selections” for the special control “Reference” is now a required field. When this field was not set, no objects were displayed for selection in object configurations
- The overview of selection fields now display correctly the select-option label instead of the select-option-value
- Fixed various errors when opening object logs
- The “Cleanup”-Button is now usable in object logs
- Fixed an error occurring when pressing the “Edit”-Button in the categories overview
- Fixed an error occurring when closing the “Add Link” popup in the object overview
- Fixed an issue where the values of fields (except name and label) of controls in type config were not saved in the database
- Fixed a bug where subcategories were not accessible when the parent category got deleted
- Fixed “Copy to clipboard” action for select fields taking the option value instead of the option label
- Fixed a bug causing an application crash when adding an object link in the “Add link” popup but not providing a value
- Fixed a bug where the status message popups in the top right corner could not be closed
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the “Root”-Location was not automatically created in the database
- Fixed an issue with basic auth where it didn’t work as intended
- Fixed a bug where an error wa shown although a type was successfully exported
- Fixed all tabs of object logs (Settings => Object Logs) where wrong data was loaded or not loaded at all
- Fixed all tabs of object logs (Settings => Object Logs) where various errors occurred
- Fixed the “Cleanup”-Button for all object logs (Settings => Object Logs) which should now work
Frontend Changes
- Several package bumps to fix security issues
- Several package bumps in preparation to upgrade the codebase to Angular 16 since Angular 15 is about to reach EoL for security support
Angular Package Bumps
- @fortawesome/fontawesome-free to 6.4.2 (from 6.4.0)
- @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core to 6.4.2 (from 6.4.0)
- @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons to 6.4.2 (from 6.4.0)
- @fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons to 6.4.2 (from 6.4.0)
- @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons to 6.4.2 (from 6.4.0)
- @popperjs/core to 2.11.8 (from 2.11.6)
- @tinymce/tinymce-angular to 7.0.0 (from 4.2.4)
- @types/chart.js to 2.9.40 (from 2.9.37)
- @types/file-saver to 2.0.7 (from 2.0.5)
- angular-archwizard to 7.0.0 (from 6.1.0)
- core-js to 3.33.2 (from 3.29.1)
- jquery to 3.7.1 (from 3.6.4)
- ngx-drag-drop to 15.1.0 (from 2.0.0)
- ngx-indexed-db to 12.0.0 (from 11.0.2)
- primeicons to 6.0.1 (from 5.0.0)
- semver to 7.5.4 (from 5.7.1)
- tinymce to 6.7.2 (from 5.10.7)
- tslib to 2.6.2 (from 2.5.0)
- zone.js to 0.14.2 (from 0.11.4)
- @babel/traverse to 7.23.3 (from 7.21.3)
- @types/bootstrap to 5.2.9 (from 4.6.2)
- @types/jasmine to 5.1.2 (from 3.6.0)
- @types/jasminewd2 to 2.0.13 (from 2.0.10)
- @types/jquery to 3.5.27 (from 3.5.16)
- @types/node to 20.9.0 (from 12.20.55)
- Added uuid 9.0.1
- Added @types/uuid 9.0.7
- codelyzer to 6.0.2 (from 6.0.0)
- jasmine-core to 5.1.1 (from 3.99.1)
- jasmine-spec-reporter to 7.0.0 (from 5.0.0)
- karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter to 3.0.3 (from 3.0.2)
- karma-jasmine to 5.1.0 (from 4.0.2)
- karma-jasmine-html-reporter to 2.1.0 (from 1.7.0)
- ts-node to 10.9.1 (from 8.3.0)
- tslint to 6.1.3 (from 6.1.0)
- typescript to 5.2.2 (from 4.8.4)
Backend Changes
- The version of MongoDB for development is increased to 6.0 due the upcoming End of Life for MongoDB 4.4 and 5.0. There are currently no issues with MongoDB 4.4 and 5.0 and they should be compatible with the newest Version of DATAGERRY.
- Several package bumps to fix security issues
Python Package Bumps
- altgraph to 0.17.4 (from 0.17.3)
- astroid to 3.0.1 (from 2.15.5)
- Babel to 2.13.1 (from 2.12.1)
- blinker to 1.7.0 (from 1.6.2)
- Cerberus to 1.3.5 (from 1.3.4)
- cffi to 1.16.0 (from 1.15.1)
- chardet to 5.2.0 (from 5.1.0)
- click to 8.1.7 (from 8.1.3)
- coverage to 7.3.2 (from 7.2.7)
- cryptography to 41.0.5 (from 41.0.1)
- flake8 to 6.1.0 (from 6.0.0)
- Flask to 3.0.0 (from 2.3.2)
- gunicorn to 21.2.0 (from 20.1.0)
- packaging to 23.2 (from 23.1)
- Pillow to 10.1.0 (from 10.0.0)
- pluggy to 1.3.0 (from 1.2.0)
- pycodestyle to 2.11.1 (from 2.10.0)
- pycryptodome to 3.19.0 (from 3.18.0)
- pyflakes to 3.1.0 (from 3.0.1)
- Pygments to 2.16.1 (from 2.15.1)
- pyinstaller to 6.1.0 (from 5.13.0)
- pyinstaller-hooks-contrib to 2023.10 (from 2023.4)
- pylint to 3.0.2 (from 2.17.4)
- pymongo to 4.6.0 (from 3.11.2)
- pyOpenSSL to 23.3.0 (from 23.2.0)
- pyparsing to 3.1.1 (from 3.1.0)
- pytest to 7.4.3 (from 7.4.0)
- pytest-html to 4.1.1 (from 3.2.0)
- pytz to 2023.3.post1 (from 2023.3)
- reportlab to 4.0.7 (from 3.6.13)
- Sphinx to 7.2.6 (from 7.0.1)
- sphinxcontrib-applehelp to 1.0.7 (from 1.0.4)
- sphinxcontrib-devhelp to 1.0.5 (from 1.0.2)
- sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp to 2.0.1 (from 2.0.4)
- sphinxcontrib-qthelp to 1.0.6 (from 1.0.3)
- sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml to 1.1.9 (from 1.1.5)
- urllib3 to 2.0.7 (from 2.0.3)
- Werkzeug to 3.0.1 (from 2.3.6)
- xhtml2pdf to 0.2.13 (from 0.2.11)