We are happy to inform you that next week the new version 2.0.0 of DATAGERRY will be released.
Here is an overview of the changes:
New Features
The sidebar now contains a new Tab “Locations” where locations are displayed in a tree structure
Added new Special Control “Location” for types which enables types to be assigned to locations
- Reworked initial assistant
- It is now possible to select branches and profiles and DATAGERRY will automatically create the corresponding types for a quick start
- Added a link to the assistant in the toolbox (Toolbox => Assistant) so that it is possible to start it manually
- Rework of the Feedback-Form (Toolbox => Feedback)
- When creating or editing a type it is no longer possible to proceed to the next step (or press the “Save”-button) if this step has invalid fields
- Added an “x” to be able to clear the filter input in the sidebar
- Types are now only deletable if no object instances exist of this type
- Dropped support for python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8
- Fixed a bug displaying popup boxes behind the gray overlay background
- Fixed an error where the progress bar of a toast was not animated(Popup confirmations in the top right corner)
- Fixed a bug where saving a column config the input field would get an invalid red border. The red border now correctly only appear if the input field is empty when clicking the save button
- Fixed a display bug in Exportd list where the column name was “Name” instead of “Label”
- Fixed an error where Links between objects where not displayed in the object overview
- Fixed a bug where the filter in the sidebar did not hide “Uncategorised” Types if the filter-input did not match
- Fixed an occurring error when pressing the “Show Tabs” button in the object overview when the object didn’t have any references
- Fixed a bug where object counters where not correctly updated when switching between “Only Active Objects” and “All Objects”-Mode
- Fixed a display bug where other elements overlapped the sidebar when in cropped view
- Fixed an error when copying dates to clipboard resulting in output to be [object Object]
- Fixed bugs with the “Save” and “Cancel” button when creating new categories not working as intended
- Fixed an error occurring when closing popups via the “x” in the top right corner at several places in DATAGERRY
- Fixed stacking counters when interacting with bulk changes
- Fixed an error appearing when pressing to often and to fast references in object overviews
- Fixed a bug falsely displaying an error when objects are exported
- Fixed a bug where multiple clicks were required to change the order of a table column
- Fixed a visual bug where the scroll bar on text area fields was to small to be selected
- Fixed a visual bug for the type overview on the dashboard
- Fixed a visual bug hiding the filter field in the sidebar when cropping browser to mobile view mode
- Fixed several occurrences where parts of the application were not reloaded after changes took place
- Fixed a bug which cleared the table when clicking “Default configs” in object list
- Fixed a bug where the sidebar was not reloaded after deleting a type and still showing the deleted type
Frontend Changes
- Bumped Angular packages to 15.2.4
- Bumped Angular package dependencies to fit Angular 15.2.4
Backend Changes
- Bumped Python to Version 3.9.16
- Tests are run against MongoDB 4.4, 5.0 and 6.0 with Python 3.9 (Dropped tests for Python 3.7, 3.8 and MongoDB 4.2)
- Added location logics to backend
- Deleting an object with also delete the corresponding location
Python Package Bumps
- alabaster to 0.7.13 (from 0.7.12)
- altgraph to 0.17.3 (from 0.17)
- astroid to 2.15.5 (from 2.5.1)
- attrs to 23.1.0 (from 20.3.0)
- Authlib to 1.2.1 (from 0.15.3)
- Babel to 2.12.1 (from 2.8.0)
- blinker to 1.6.2 (from 1.4.0)
- Cerberus to 1.3.4 (from 1.3.2)
- certifi to 2023.7.22 (from 2020.6.20)
- cffi to 1.15.1 (from 1.14.3)
- chardet to 5.1.0 (from 3.0.4)
- click to 8.1.3 (from 7.1.2)
- coverage to 7.2.7 (from 5.5)
- cryptography to 41.0.1 (from 3.4.7)
- docutils to 0.20.1 (from 0.16)
- et-xmlfile to 1.1.0 (from 1.0.1)
- flake8 to 6.0.0 (from 3.8.4)
- Flask to 2.3.2 (from 1.1.2)
- Flask-Cors to 4.0.0 (from 3.0.9)
- gunicorn to 20.1.0 (from 20.0.4)
- idna to 3.4 (from 2.10)
- imagesize to 1.4.1 (from 1.2.0)
- iniconfig to 2.0.0 (from 1.1.1)
- isort to 5.12.0 (from 5.5.3)
- itsdangerous to 2.1.2 (from 1.1.0)
- Jinja2 to 3.1.2 (from 2.11.2)
- lazy-object-proxy to 1.9.0 (from 1.4.3)
- ldap3 to 2.9.1 (from 2.8.1)
- MarkupSafe to 2.1.3 (from 1.1.1)
- mccabe to 0.7.0 (from 0.6.1)
- openpyxl to 3.1.2 (from 3.0.5)
- packaging to 23.1 (from 20.4)
- Pillow to 10.0.0 (from 8.1.2)
- pluggy to 1.2.0 (from 0.13.1)
- py to 1.11.0 (from 1.10.0)
- pyasn1 to 0.5.0 (from 0.4.8)
- pycodestyle to 2.10.0 (from 2.6.0)
- pycparser to 2.21 (from 2.20)
- pycryptodome to 3.18.0 (from 3.10.1)
- pyflakes to 3.0.1 (from 2.2.0)
- Pygments to 2.15.1 (from 2.7.1)
- pyinstaller to (from 4.0)
- pyinstaller-hooks-contrib to 2023.4 (from 2020.8)
- pylint to 2.17.4 (from 2.7.2)
- PyMySQL to 1.1.0 (from 0.10.1)
- pyOpenSSL to 23.2.0 (from 19.0.0)
- pyparsing to 3.1.0 (from 2.4.7)
- PyPDF2 to 3.0.1 (from 1.26.0)
- pytest to 7.4.0 (from 6.2.2)
- pytest-cov to 4.1.0 (from 2.11.1)
- pytest-html to 3.2.0 (from 3.1.1)
- pytest-metadata to 3.0.0 (from 1.11.0)
- python-dateutil to 2.8.2 (from 2.8.1)
- pytz to 2023.3 (from 2020.1)
- reportlab to 3.6.13 (from 3.5.50)
- requests to 2.31.0 (from 2.24.0)
- six to 1.16.0 (from 1.15.0)
- snowballstemmer to 2.2.0 (from 2.0.0)
- Sphinx to 7.0.1 (from 3.2.1)
- sphinxcontrib-applehelp to 1.0.4 (from 1.0.2)
- sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp to 2.0.1 (from 1.0.3)
- sphinxcontrib-httpdomain to 1.8.1 (from 1.7.0)
- sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml to 1.1.5 (from 1.1.4)
- toml to 0.10.2 (from 0.10.1)
- urllib3 to 2.0.3 (from 1.25.10)
- Werkzeug to 2.3.6 (from 1.0.1)
- wrapt to 1.15.0 (from 1.12.1)
- xhtml2pdf to 0.2.11 (from 0.2.4)