We are proud to announce the release of DATAGERRY 1.5.0, with many new features.
Besides several performance and usability improvements, our main focus this time was on the Access Control List (ACL) for the objects.
The ACL of the object protect them from unauthorized access.
More about this concept can be found in the documentation.
Of course we have fixed a lot of bugs again, thanks to the community for the intensive use of the report and please continue so by opening topics in Report a Bug/Enhancement.
The detailed changelog for this version:
- [NET-680] - ACLs for specific object types
- [NET-681] - Change type model for new Object ACLs
- [NET-739] - Frontend loading indicators
- [NET-749] - Refactor special routes for the use of ACLs
- [NET-756] - Hide next Step button
- [NET-765] - Refactor database module
- [NET-766] - Category datatables replacement
- [NET-767] - Type datatables replacement
- [NET-768] - Settings datatables replacement
- [NET-769] - User-management datatables replacement
- [NET-770] - Object datatables replacement
- [NET-771] - Remove datatables module
- [NET-778] - Replace datatables in object log list
- [NET-819] - Extend deprecated decorator
- [NET-872] - Frontend: Uniform design to increase usability
- [NET-363] - Increase usability for setting user rights
- [NET-575] - Extend LDAP auth plugin to also handle group memberships
- [NET-590] - Create clearly arranged user frontend to manage object ACLs
- [NET-652] - Export rendered and filtered results in object tables
- [NET-653] - Improve search for public ID
- [NET-656] - Dashboard: show latest editor in latest dashlet
- [NET-682] - Enforce new Object ACLs in Object CRUD functionalities
- [NET-683] - Filter search results based on defined Object ACLs
- [NET-684] - Handle object references based on defined Object ACLs
- [NET-685] - Enforce new Object ACLs for object file exports
- [NET-686] - Enforce new Object ACLs for object imports
- [NET-687] - Enforce new Object ACLs in object logs
- [NET-688] - Enforce new Object ACLs in object connections/links
- [NET-689] - Hide all buttons if actions are restricted by Objects ACLs
- [NET-690] - Hide types in sidebar if a user has not sufficient rights defined by Object ACLs
- [NET-754] - Create admin documentation for ACLs
- [NET-801] - Enforce new Object ACLs for dashboard charts
- [NET-812] - Initial value for checkboxes
- [NET-871] - New Picture for Feedback Form
- [NET-231] - Import objects doesn't work with safari
- [NET-233] - Visual Bug after cleaning "Delete Logs"
- [NET-712] - Bulk Change preview does not show chosen references correctly
- [NET-716] - Type update fails, if no category was selected before.
- [NET-748] - Table view: Error when deleting selected objects
- [NET-750] - Selected object counter in object type list doesn't reset
- [NET-757] - Delete action in Dashboard doesn't work
- [NET-758] - Can't create object with protected reference rights
- [NET-759] - Objects aren't filtered correctly
- [NET-761] - Search engine not handling whitespace correct
- [NET-762] - MongoDB aggregation level memory limit reached
- [NET-763] - User feedback email validator was not implemented
- [NET-764] - Wrong System rights checked on sidebar
- [NET-799] - Import objects not working
- [NET-800] - Pie chart color scheme doesn't match the legend color scheme
- [NET-802] - User route services breaks on logout
- [NET-803] - Missing parameter error on database count function
- [NET-805] - MongoClient opened before fork at rest api
- [NET-823] - Changes to the reference fields are not displayed in the object log view
- [NET-834] - Calling references breaks when allowing disabled objects
- [NET-841] - CSV importer broken in Safari in setups with only one type
- [NET-843] - Application crash when running the binary for a few days on some systems
- [NET-851] - User management ignores public id counter
- [NET-864] - The group user counters cap out at 10 on the dashboard
- [NET-867] - Cannot change password in profile view
- [NET-868] - When deleting an exportd log an error is thrown
- [NET-869] - Bulk changes: in- /acvite button does not trigger any change
- [NET-873] - Object type list won´t load & types wont create in docker
- [NET-874] - Some http calls wont work in docker env
- [NET-876] - Wrong usergroup label
- [NET-877] - Public ID counter not used
- [NET-878] - Binary: Frontend breaks on object list view
- [NET-879] - Dashboard load crash with empty objects
- [NET-880] - Loading indicator won't disappear on category quick
- [NET-881] - Object table build up slowly on safari
- [NET-882] - User settings not loaded after login