Setup/permissions for ansible inventory

i still haven’t found the solution to this issue. Have started nginx in debug mode, this is what i get from the logs:
access.log: - ansible [28/Nov/2023:18:48:33 +0000] “GET /rest/exportdjob/pull/ansible-inventory-all HTTP/1.1” 401 412 “-” “curl/7.81.0” “-”

excerpt from error.log:
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http script copy: “Host”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http script var: “vmdgerry2”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http script copy: “X-Real-IP”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http script var: “”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http script copy: “X-Forwarded-For”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http script var: “”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http script copy: “X-Forwarded-Proto”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http script var: “http”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http script copy: “Connection”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http script copy: “close”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http script copy: “”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http script copy: “”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http proxy header: “Authorization: Basic YW5zaWJsZTphbnNpYmxlcHdkIQ==”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http proxy header: “User-Agent: curl/7.81.0”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http proxy header: “Accept: /
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http proxy header:
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http cleanup add: 0000559E528D37D0
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: malloc: 0000559E52876DE0:224
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: resolve: “datagerry”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: resolve cached
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http upstream resolve: “/rest/exportdjob/pull/ansible-inventory-all?”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 name was resolved to
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: resolve name done: 0
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: resolver expire
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 get rr peer, try: 1
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 stream socket 12
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 epoll add connection: fd:12 ev:80002005
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 connect to, fd:12 #87
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http upstream connect: -2
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 posix_memalign: 0000559E528701E0:128 @16
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 event timer add: 12: 60000:657682
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http finalize request: -4, “/rest/exportdjob/pull/ansible-inventory-all?” a:1, c:2
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http request count:2 blk:0
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: timer delta: 0
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: worker cycle
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: epoll timer: 60000
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: epoll: fd:3 ev:0004 d:00007F3EBB428581
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http run request: “/rest/exportdjob/pull/ansible-inventory-all?”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http upstream check client, write event:1, “/rest/exportdjob/pull/ansible-inventory-all”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: epoll: fd:12 ev:0004 d:00007F3EBB428921
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http upstream request: “/rest/exportdjob/pull/ansible-inventory-all?”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http upstream send request handler
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http upstream send request
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http upstream send request body
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 chain writer buf fl:1 s:268
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 chain writer in: 0000559E528D3A98
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 writev: 268 of 268
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 chain writer out: 0000000000000000
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 event timer del: 12: 657682
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 event timer add: 12: 60000:657682
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: timer delta: 0
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: worker cycle
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: epoll timer: 60000
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: epoll: fd:12 ev:0005 d:00007F3EBB428921
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http upstream request: “/rest/exportdjob/pull/ansible-inventory-all?”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http upstream process header
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 malloc: 0000559E528D3C10:4096
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 posix_memalign: 0000559E528D5030:4096 @16
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 recv: eof:0, avail:-1
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 recv: fd:12 661 of 4096
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http proxy status 401 “401 UNAUTHORIZED”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http proxy header: “Server: gunicorn”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http proxy header: “Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2023 18:48:33 GMT”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http proxy header: “Connection: close”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http proxy header: “Content-Type: application/json”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http proxy header: “Content-Length: 412”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http proxy header: “Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http proxy header: “Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-API-Version, X-Total-Count”
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http proxy header done
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 HTTP/1.1 401 UNAUTHORIZED
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 write new buf t:1 f:0 0000559E528D52B8, pos 0000559E528D52B8, size: 258 file: 0, size: 0
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:258
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http cacheable: 0
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http proxy filter init s:401 h:0 c:0 l:412
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 http upstream process upstream
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 pipe read upstream: 0
2023/11/28 18:48:33 [debug] 9#9: *86 pipe preread: 412

I tried to start datagerry in debug-mode but did not succeed. Any hints on how to modify the container to achieve this?
Regards, Michael