multi tenant division

Hello. I’m doing some tests with DataGerry, so please excuse me if I ask some very basic questions here. But I’m just starting out and checking how I can change my current CMDB tool.

Today I need to manage equipment from several clients and partners, which is why I need to create multi-tenants. I haven’t found any option of this type where I can select a specific client and allow the registration of their equipment. The only option I noticed is the Location option. But that still wouldn’t divide the data the way I need it.

What’s the best way to divide it by company?

Hi @jeanrito ,
DATAGerry is at the current state of development not suitable as a multi-tenant CMDB. You point about the Locations is correct, since it is a visual separation of data but not administrative.

A workaround would be to have one instance per tenant but i guess that is what you don’t want to have as a setup.

But i can tell you that this is also one of the features which we discussed as part of future releases but with a lower priority.

BR Adnan