There is an idea to store user structure data in a datagerry.
Let’s say, we have groups, for example admins, users, VPN users
And ofc, users in groups.
Type structure:
- group
- user
User can be in several groups.
Groups, ofcourse contains more, than one user.
The problem is connecting groups and users correctly.
If we’ll create a field ‘groups’ in the user type that refs to a ‘group’ type, it’s not possible to refer to several group entries.
If we’ll create a field ‘members’ in group type with ref to ‘user’ type, then again there is no way to refer to several users.
So, it’s classical many to many problem, that works in relational databases via connection table, but if we’ll create, for example ‘membership’ type, with refs to ‘user’ and ‘group’ types, that looks awfull in UI.
So, don’t you have plans to implement something, that will make many to many references usable, or maybe already there’s a solution, that i missed?