Long search delay

I have more than 20000 objects in DataGerry.
Search delay is more than 20 seconds, sometimes more than 1 minute.

Hi @avorr,
this is a known issue (many objects have a long delay) which will be fixed in the future as part of the API and Frontend optimization tasks.

BR Adnan

Please tell me approximately when will this be?

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Hello @adnan.smajic,

At the moment, this issue (long delays with a large number of objects) prevents DataGerry from being used as a fully-fledged enterprise solution. Is there hope that this problem will be resolved in the next release?

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Hi @avorr,
could you provide us the Type in which you are using MDS? So we have a good example the speed optimize on.

BR Adnan

MDS_Type.txt (8.3 KB)


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Thank you very much!

BR Adnan

Same issue here: adding new objects in a class where we have two references to other classes makes the global search unusable (the response time, which is immediate, suddenly increases to more than 1 minute)

After investigation, I found out that DataGerry creates only one single index in the MongoDB database. Therefore when reaching a certain size, the performance starts being really poor on some queries.
I have therefore created two indexes in our MongoDB:

  • one on public_id, which is used everywhere in references
  • one on fields.value, which is used in attributes.
    The result is incredible as searches are now responding within 1 sec most of the time.
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Hi @acpfn ,
thanks for the feedback, we will have a look at it.

BR Adnan