Hello everybody,
- I am on the “Settings > Object Logs” page.
- I navigate to the tab “deleted objects logs”
- I click on the “delete log” button for a deleted object log
- I confirm the security question “are you sure you want to delete this log?”
I would expect the entry to be deleted.
In fact I get two errors in the developer console:
"DELETE https://jrag-cmdb.wjp.de/rest/log/123 404"
"Backend returned code 404, body was: [object Object]".
The REST ressource returned:
description: "The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the URL requested. You either supplied the wrong credentials (e.g. a bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.",
joke: "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.",
message: "",
response: "Unauthorized: http://jrag-cmdb.wjp.de/rest/log/197",
status: 401
The same problem occurs accordingly with the “Cleanup” button, as the same REST resource is accessed.
Thank you in advance!
Best regards