Datagerry support configurations: Mongo 7.0.7 and RHEL9?


Are any of these configurations supported ?

Datagerry with Mongo 6 on RedHat 9.3.
Datagerry with Mongo 7…0.7 on RedHat 9.3.

I ask because the datagerry requirements have this on the website:

DATAGERRY has the following system requirements:

  • Linux Operating System
  • MongoDB 4.4+ (MongoDB 6.0 recommended)
  • RabbitMQ (except the deb-packages)

Hi @sink1 ,
DATAGERRY is test with centos Stream 9 and it should also be compatible with RHEL9.

MongoDB support changed with the last version to Version 6 and is currently not tested against Version 7.

BR Adnan


I installed mongo6 on RHEL9 running locally on the same server without TLS and without authentication. It did not work.

Which Python version does Datagerrt work with?

RHEL9 Python version is:

# python --version
Python 3.9.18

Got this:

[WARNING ] — The current database version does not match the valid database version. (

On top of this, we got these error messages, but Datagerry started and I can login as admin:admin.

datagerry[214582]:Welcome to DATAGERRY
datagerry[214582]:Starting system with following parameters:
datagerry[214582]:{'keys': False, 'debug': False, 'start': True, 'config_file': '/etc/datagerry/cmdb.conf'}
datagerry[214582]:Copyright (C) 2024 becon GmbH
datagerry[214582]:licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- DATAGERRY starting... (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- Checking database connection with cmdb.conf data (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- Database connection established. (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- STARTING Checks... (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- CHECK: Checking database collection validation (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- CHECK: No Root Location => Creating a new Root Location! (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- Creating Template: {'dg-network'} (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- Creating Template: {'dg-rackmounting'} (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- Creating Template: {'dg-modelspec'} (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- SETUP ROUTINE: CREATE USER MANAGEMENT (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- CHECK: Database collection validation status True (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][ERROR   ] --- The section updater does not exist! (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][WARNING ] --- The current database version does not match the valid database version. (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- FINISHED Checks! (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- UPDATE ROUTINE: Update database collection (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- SETUP ROUTINE: Checking database connection (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- SETUP ROUTINE: Database connection status True (
datagerry[214592]:@@@@@     @   @@@@@@@ @   @@@@@  @@@@@@@ @@@@@   @@@@@  @@    @@
datagerry[214592]:@    @    @@     @    @@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@  @@@@@@ @@@  @@@
datagerry[214592]:@     @  @  @    @   @  @       @@@   @@ @@@     @@   @@ @@   @@ @@  @@
datagerry[214592]:@     @  @  @    @   @  @       @@       @@@@@@  @@   @@ @@   @@  @@@@
datagerry[214592]:@     @ @    @   @  @    @      @@   @@@ @@@@@@  @@@@@@  @@@@@@   @@@@
datagerry[214592]:@     @ @@@@@@   @  @@@@@@      @@   @@@ @@@     @@@@@   @@@@@     @@
datagerry[214592]:@     @ @    @   @  @    @      @@@   @@ @@@     @@ @@@  @@ @@@    @@
datagerry[214592]:@    @ @      @  @ @      @      @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@  @@@ @@  @@@   @@
datagerry[214592]:@@@@@  @      @  @ @      @       @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@  @@@ @@  @@@   @@
datagerry[214592]:Welcome to DATAGERRY
datagerry[214592]:Starting system with following parameters:
datagerry[214592]:{'keys': False, 'debug': False, 'start': True, 'config_file': '/etc/datagerry/cmdb.conf'}
datagerry[214592]:Copyright (C) 2024 becon GmbH
datagerry[214592]:licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
datagerry[214592]: #015Process:[##########----------------------------------------] 20% #011| [1/5]
datagerry[214592]: #015Process:[####################------------------------------] 40% #011| [2/5]
datagerry[214592]: #015Process:[##############################--------------------] 60% #011| [3/5]
datagerry[214592]: #015Process:[########################################----------] 80% #011| [4/5]
datagerry[214592]: #015Process:[##################################################] 100% #011| [5/5]
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- UPDATE ROUTINE: Update database collection finished. (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- UPDATE ROUTINE: FINISHED! (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- SETUP ROUTINE: STARTED... (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- SETUP ROUTINE: Checking database connection (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- SETUP ROUTINE: Database connection status True (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- SETUP ROUTINE: FINISHED! (
datagerry[214636]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- start exportd ... (
datagerry[214636]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- exportd: start run (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- Process manager started: True (
datagerry[214592]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- DATAGERRY successfully started (
datagerry[214641]: [2024-05-07 10:44:04][INFO    ] --- start webapp ... (
datagerry[214641]: [2024-05-07 10:44:05][INFO    ] --- Interfaces started @ (
datagerry[214636]: Exception in thread Thread-1:
datagerry[214636]: Traceback (most recent call last):
datagerry[214636]:  File "", line 980, in _bootstrap_inner
datagerry[214636]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 199, in run
datagerry[214636]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 178, in __init_connection
datagerry[214636]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 377, in __init__
datagerry[214636]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 416, in _process_io_for_connection_setup
datagerry[214636]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 469, in _flush_output
datagerry[214636]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 174, in _adapter_connect
datagerry[214636]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 304, in _getaddrinfo
datagerry[214636]:  File "", line 954, in getaddrinfo
datagerry[214636]: socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
datagerry[214636]: Exception in thread Thread-2:
datagerry[214636]: Traceback (most recent call last):
datagerry[214636]:  File "", line 980, in _bootstrap_inner
datagerry[214636]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 321, in run
datagerry[214636]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 293, in __init_connection
datagerry[214636]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 377, in __init__
datagerry[214636]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 416, in _process_io_for_connection_setup
datagerry[214636]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 469, in _flush_output
datagerry[214636]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 174, in _adapter_connect
datagerry[214636]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 304, in _getaddrinfo
datagerry[214636]:  File "", line 954, in getaddrinfo
datagerry[214636]: socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
datagerry[214641]: Exception in thread Thread-2:
datagerry[214641]: Traceback (most recent call last):
datagerry[214641]:  File "", line 980, in _bootstrap_inner
datagerry[214641]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 199, in run
datagerry[214641]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 178, in __init_connection
datagerry[214641]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 377, in __init__
datagerry[214641]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 416, in _process_io_for_connection_setup
datagerry[214641]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 469, in _flush_output
datagerry[214641]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 174, in _adapter_connect
datagerry[214641]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 304, in _getaddrinfo
datagerry[214641]:  File "", line 954, in getaddrinfo
datagerry[214641]: socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
datagerry[214641]: Exception in thread Thread-3:
datagerry[214641]: Traceback (most recent call last):
datagerry[214641]:  File "", line 980, in _bootstrap_inner
datagerry[214641]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 321, in run
datagerry[214641]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 293, in __init_connection
datagerry[214641]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 377, in __init__
datagerry[214641]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 416, in _process_io_for_connection_setup
datagerry[214641]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 469, in _flush_output
datagerry[214641]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 174, in _adapter_connect
datagerry[214641]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 304, in _getaddrinfo
datagerry[214641]:  File "", line 954, in getaddrinfo
datagerry[214641]: socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

Hi @sink1 ,
DATAGERRY works with Python Version 3.9 so this is fine.

[WARNING ] — The current database version does not match the valid database version. (

This warning is completely fine. It is just a hint that DATAGERRY will rollout an update of the schema on all types/objects in the database of DATAGERRY so it is compatible to the newest version. The MongoDB version is completely fine.

We will change the warning message in the next release because it is confusing.

For the error with pika:

  • kill all processes of datagerry, mongodb and rabbitmq and restart them

The pika issue is added to our backlog and we will have a look at it.

BR Adnan


The pika error appears even after I reboot the servers.

What does the error message mean?

Hi @sink1 ,
this looks like an issue with the connection to RabbitMQ. Can you chack if RabbitMQ is up and running and correctly configured in the cmdb.conf ?

BR Adnan


host =,
port = 15672
username = datagerry
password = redacted
exchange = datagerry.eventbus
connection_attempts = 2
retry_delay = 6
use_tls = true

I see the problem :slight_smile: s/15672/5672/ Thanks for giving me the tip.

Config is now:

host =,
port = 5672
username = datagerry
password = redacted
exchange = datagerry.eventbus
connection_attempts = 2
retry_delay = 6
use_tls = true

And network flows are allowed:

# nc -z 5672
# echo $?
# nc -z 5672
# echo $?

I also tried disabling tls and using the ono-tls port, but this gave the same error.

# nc -z 5671
# echo $?

I started it again and got this:

datagerry[222040]:        licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
datagerry[222048]: [2024-05-08 11:08:08][INFO    ] --- start exportd ... (
datagerry[222048]: [2024-05-08 11:08:08][INFO    ] --- exportd: start run (
datagerry[222040]: [2024-05-08 11:08:09][INFO    ] --- Process manager started: True (
datagerry[222040]: [2024-05-08 11:08:09][INFO    ] --- DATAGERRY successfully started (
datagerry[222053]: [2024-05-08 11:08:09][INFO    ] --- start webapp ... (
datagerry[222053]: [2024-05-08 11:08:09][DEBUG   ] --- Gunicorn starting with auto reload option (
datagerry[222053]: [2024-05-08 11:08:09][INFO    ] --- Interfaces started @ (
datagerry[222048]: Exception in thread Thread-1:
datagerry[222048]: Traceback (most recent call last):
datagerry[222048]:  File "", line 980, in _bootstrap_inner
datagerry[222048]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 199, in run
datagerry[222048]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 178, in __init_connection
datagerry[222048]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 377, in __init__
datagerry[222048]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 416, in _process_io_for_connection_setup
datagerry[222048]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 469, in _flush_output
datagerry[222048]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 174, in _adapter_connect
datagerry[222048]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 304, in _getaddrinfo
datagerry[222048]:  File "", line 954, in getaddrinfo
datagerry[222048]: socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
datagerry[222048]: Exception in thread Thread-2:
datagerry[222048]: Traceback (most recent call last):
datagerry[222048]:  File "", line 980, in _bootstrap_inner
datagerry[222048]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 321, in run
datagerry[222048]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 293, in __init_connection
datagerry[222048]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 377, in __init__
datagerry[222048]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 416, in _process_io_for_connection_setup
datagerry[222048]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 469, in _flush_output
datagerry[222048]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 174, in _adapter_connect
datagerry[222048]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 304, in _getaddrinfo
datagerry[222048]:  File "", line 954, in getaddrinfo
datagerry[222048]: socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
datagerry[222053]: Exception in thread Thread-2:
datagerry[222053]: Traceback (most recent call last):
datagerry[222053]:  File "", line 980, in _bootstrap_inner
datagerry[222053]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 199, in run
datagerry[222053]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 178, in __init_connection
datagerry[222053]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 377, in __init__
datagerry[222053]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 416, in _process_io_for_connection_setup
datagerry[222053]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 469, in _flush_output
datagerry[222053]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 174, in _adapter_connect
datagerry[222053]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 304, in _getaddrinfo
datagerry[222053]:  File "", line 954, in getaddrinfo
datagerry[222053]: socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
datagerry[222053]: Exception in thread Thread-3:
datagerry[222053]: Traceback (most recent call last):
datagerry[222053]:  File "", line 980, in _bootstrap_inner
datagerry[222053]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 321, in run
datagerry[222053]:  File "cmdb/event_management/", line 293, in __init_connection
datagerry[222053]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 377, in __init__
datagerry[222053]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 416, in _process_io_for_connection_setup
datagerry[222053]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 469, in _flush_output
datagerry[222053]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 174, in _adapter_connect
datagerry[222053]:  File "pika/adapters/", line 304, in _getaddrinfo
datagerry[222053]:  File "", line 954, in getaddrinfo
datagerry[222053]: socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

I tried starting it with just one rabbitmq server, but it did not like it:

host =

…but now it starts and then shuts down immediately.

datagerry[222181]: [2024-05-08 11:16:28][INFO    ] --- start exportd ... (
datagerry[222181]: [2024-05-08 11:16:28][INFO    ] --- exportd: start run (
datagerry[222173]: [2024-05-08 11:16:29][INFO    ] --- Process manager started: True (
datagerry[222173]: [2024-05-08 11:16:29][INFO    ] --- DATAGERRY successfully started (
datagerry[222186]: [2024-05-08 11:16:29][INFO    ] --- start webapp ... (
datagerry[222186]: [2024-05-08 11:16:29][DEBUG   ] --- Gunicorn starting with auto reload option (
datagerry[222186]: [2024-05-08 11:16:29][INFO    ] --- Interfaces started @ (
datagerry[222181]: [2024-05-08 11:16:34][ERROR   ] --- exportd: EventSenderAmqp connection error (
datagerry[222181]: [2024-05-08 11:16:34][ERROR   ] --- exportd: EventReceiverAmqp connection error (
datagerry[222181]: [2024-05-08 11:16:34][INFO    ] --- shutdown exportd ... (
datagerry[222181]: [2024-05-08 11:16:34][DEBUG   ] --- wait for termination of service thread (
datagerry[222186]: [2024-05-08 11:16:35][ERROR   ] --- webapp: EventSenderAmqp connection error (
datagerry[222186]: [2024-05-08 11:16:35][ERROR   ] --- webapp: EventReceiverAmqp connection error (
datagerry[222181]: [2024-05-08 11:16:35][INFO    ] --- exportd: end run (
datagerry[222181]: [2024-05-08 11:16:35][DEBUG   ] --- service thread terminated (
datagerry[222181]: [2024-05-08 11:16:35][INFO    ] --- shutdown exportd completed (
datagerry[222186]: [2024-05-08 11:16:35][INFO    ] --- shutdown webapp ... (
datagerry[222186]: [2024-05-08 11:16:35][INFO    ] --- shutdown webapp completed (

I used these commands to create the datagerry user etc on RabbitMQ. Does this look correct to you?

rabbitmqctl add_vhost datagerry
rabbitmqctl add_user datagerry
rabbitmqctl set_permissions --vhost datagerry datagerry '.' '.' '.*'


Saw this on the RabbitMQ server port 5672 .
Looks like this is failing to authenticate. More investigation required by me.

# tcpdump -nvvvXX -s0  host
dropped privs to tcpdump
tcpdump: listening on ens192, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
[SNIP]                                     /.
14:20:55.902357 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 48081, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 585) > Flags [P.], cksum 0x9f14 (incorrect -> 0x46d9), seq 1:534, ack 9, win 227, options [nop,nop,TS val 1468864961 ecr 770781159], length 533
        0x0000:  0009 0f09 0a20 0050 5683 7d34 0800 4500  .......PV.}4..E.
        0x0010:  0249 bbd1 4000 4006 e004 0a5a c343 0a5a  .I..@.@....Z.C.Z
        0x0020:  c4e1 1628 e1ba 9ef5 f788 d3dc bb07 8018  ...(............
        0x0030:  00e3 9f14 0000 0101 080a 578d 19c1 2df1  ..........W...-.
        0x0040:  2fe7 0100 0000 0002 0d00 0a00 0a00 0900  /...............
        0x0050:  0001 e80c 6361 7061 6269 6c69 7469 6573  ....capabilities
        0x0060:  4600 0000 c712 7075 626c 6973 6865 725f  F.....publisher_
        0x0070:  636f 6e66 6972 6d73 7401 1a65 7863 6861  confirmst..excha
        0x0080:  6e67 655f 6578 6368 616e 6765 5f62 696e  nge_exchange_bin
        0x0090:  6469 6e67 7374 010a 6261 7369 632e 6e61
        0x00a0:  636b 7401 1663 6f6e 7375 6d65 725f 6361  ckt..consumer_ca
        0x00b0:  6e63 656c 5f6e 6f74 6966 7974 0112 636f
        0x00c0:  6e6e 6563 7469 6f6e 2e62 6c6f 636b 6564  nnection.blocked
        0x00d0:  7401 1363 6f6e 7375 6d65 725f 7072 696f  t..consumer_prio
        0x00e0:  7269 7469 6573 7401 1c61 7574 6865 6e74  ritiest..authent
        0x00f0:  6963 6174 696f 6e5f 6661 696c 7572 655f  ication_failure_
        0x0100:  636c 6f73 6574 0110 7065 725f 636f 6e73  closet..per_cons
        0x0110:  756d 6572 5f71 6f73 7401 0f64 6972 6563  umer_qost..direc
        0x0120:  745f 7265 706c 795f 746f 7401 0c63 6c75  t_reply_tot..clu
        0x0130:  7374 6572 5f6e 616d 6553 0000 0026 7261  ster_nameS...&ra
        0x0140:  6262 6974 4061 6372 7372 766e 7035 3637  bbit@rabbitmq1
        0x0150:  2e61 6c70 6861 6372 6564 6974 2e61 6367  .x.y
        0x0160:  726f 7570 0963 6f70 7972 6967 6874 5300  y.copyrightS.
        0x0170:  0000 3743 6f70 7972 6967 6874 2028 6329  ..7Copyright.(c)
        0x0180:  2032 3030 372d 3230 3231 2056 4d77 6172  .2007-2021.VMwar
        0x0190:  652c 2049 6e63 2e20 6f72 2069 7473 2061  e,.Inc..or.its.a
        0x01a0:  6666 696c 6961 7465 732e 0b69 6e66 6f72  ffiliates..infor
        0x01b0:  6d61 7469 6f6e 5300 0000 394c 6963 656e  mationS...9Licen
        0x01c0:  7365 6420 756e 6465 7220 7468 6520 4d50  sed.under.the.MP
        0x01d0:  4c20 322e 302e 2057 6562 7369 7465 3a20  L.2.0..Website:.
        0x01e0:  6874 7470 733a 2f2f 7261 6262 6974 6d71  https://rabbitmq
        0x01f0:  2e63 6f6d 0870 6c61 7466 6f72 6d53 0000  .com.platformS..
        0x0200:  0011 4572 6c61 6e67 2f4f 5450 2032 332e  ..Erlang/OTP.23.
        0x0210:  322e 3707 7072 6f64 7563 7453 0000 0008  2.7.productS....
        0x0220:  5261 6262 6974 4d51 0776 6572 7369 6f6e  RabbitMQ.version
        0x0230:  5300 0000 0633 2e38 2e31 3400 0000 0e50  S....3.8.14....P
        0x0240:  4c41 494e 2041 4d51 504c 4149 4e00 0000  LAIN.AMQPLAIN...
        0x0250:  0565 6e5f 5553 ce                        .en_US.
14:20:55.902823 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 61, id 40127, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52) > Flags [.], cksum 0xe968 (correct), seq 9, ack 534, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 770781164 ecr 1468864961], length 0
        0x0000:  0050 5683 7d34 0009 0f09 0a20 0800 4500  .PV.}4........E.
        0x0010:  0034 9cbf 4000 3d06 042c 0a5a c4e1 0a5a  .4..@.=..,.Z...Z
        0x0020:  c343 e1ba 1628 d3dc bb07 9ef5 f99d 8010  .C...(..........
        0x0030:  01f5 e968 0000 0101 080a 2df1 2fec 578d  ...h......-./.W.
        0x0040:  19c1                                     ..
14:20:55.903244 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 61, id 40128, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 361) > Flags [P.], cksum 0x8b05 (correct), seq 9:318, ack 534, win 501, options [nop,nop,TS val 770781164 ecr 1468864961], length 309
        0x0000:  0050 5683 7d34 0009 0f09 0a20 0800 4500  .PV.}4........E.
        0x0010:  0169 9cc0 4000 3d06 02f6 0a5a c4e1 0a5a  .i..@.=....Z...Z
        0x0020:  c343 e1ba 1628 d3dc bb07 9ef5 f99d 8018  .C...(..........
        0x0030:  01f5 8b05 0000 0101 080a 2df1 2fec 578d  ..........-./.W.
        0x0040:  19c1 0100 0000 0001 2d00 0a00 0b00 0000  ........-.......
        0x0050:  ff07 7072 6f64 7563 7453 0000 001a 5069  ..productS....Pi
        0x0060:  6b61 2050 7974 686f 6e20 436c 6965 6e74  ka.Python.Client
        0x0070:  204c 6962 7261 7279 0870 6c61 7466 6f72  .Library.platfor
        0x0080:  6d53 0000 000d 5079 7468 6f6e 2033 2e39  mS....Python.3.9
        0x0090:  2e31 360c 6361 7061 6269 6c69 7469 6573  .16.capabilities
        0x00a0:  4600 0000 6f1c 6175 7468 656e 7469 6361  F...o.authentica
        0x00b0:  7469 6f6e 5f66 6169 6c75 7265 5f63 6c6f  tion_failure_clo
        0x00c0:  7365 7401 0a62 6173 6963 2e6e 6163 6b74  set..basic.nackt
        0x00d0:  0112 636f 6e6e 6563 7469 6f6e 2e62 6c6f  ..connection.blo
        0x00e0:  636b 6564 7401 1663 6f6e 7375 6d65 725f  ckedt..consumer_
        0x00f0:  6361 6e63 656c 5f6e 6f74 6966 7974 0112  cancel_notifyt..
        0x0100:  7075 626c 6973 6865 725f 636f 6e66 6972  publisher_confir
        0x0110:  6d73 7401 0b69 6e66 6f72 6d61 7469 6f6e  mst..information
        0x0120:  5300 0000 1853 6565 2068 7474 703a 2f2f  S....See.http://
        0x0130:  7069 6b61 2e72 7466 642e 6f72 6707 7665
        0x0140:  7273 696f 6e53 0000 0006 302e 3132 2e30  rsionS....0.12.0
        0x0150:  0550 4c41 494e 0000 0016 0064 6174 6167  .PLAIN.....datag
        0x0160:  6572 7279 0041 4b6a 7368 642d 4a4b 3430  erry.REDCATED
        0x0170:  0565 6e5f 5553 ce                        .en_US.
14:20:55.903526 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 48082, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 179) > Flags [P.], cksum 0x9d7e (incorrect -> 0xc177), seq 534:661, ack 318, win 235, options [nop,nop,TS val 1468864962 ecr 770781164], length 127
        0x0000:  0009 0f09 0a20 0050 5683 7d34 0800 4500  .......PV.}4..E.
        0x0010:  00b3 bbd2 4000 4006 e199 0a5a c343 0a5a  ....@.@....Z.C.Z
        0x0020:  c4e1 1628 e1ba 9ef5 f99d d3dc bc3c 8018  ...(.........<..
        0x0030:  00eb 9d7e 0000 0101 080a 578d 19c2 2df1  ...~......W...-.
        0x0040:  2fec 0100 0000 0000 7700 0a00 3201 936c  /.......w...2..l
        0x0050:  4143 4345 5353 5f52 4546 5553 4544 202d  ACCESS_REFUSED.-
        0x0060:  204c 6f67 696e 2077 6173 2072 6566 7573  .Login.was.refus
        0x0070:  6564 2075 7369 6e67 2061 7574 6865 6e74  ed.using.authent
        0x0080:  6963 6174 696f 6e20 6d65 6368 616e 6973  ication.mechanis
        0x0090:  6d20 504c 4149 4e2e 2046 6f72 2064 6574  m.PLAIN..For.det
        0x00a0:  6169 6c73 2073 6565 2074 6865 2062 726f  ails.see.the.bro
        0x00b0:  6b65 7220 6c6f 6766 696c 652e 0000 0000  ker.logfile.....
        0x00c0:  ce                                       .

I have narrowed it down to:‘/’.refused.for.user.‘datagerry’…

Is datagerry trying to access the / instead of the datagerry vhost?

#  rabbitmqctl list_permissions --vhost datagerry
Listing permissions for vhost "datagerry" ...
user    configure       write   read
datagerry       .       .       .*

Hi @sink1 ,
maybe this link help you:

BR Adnan

Hi Adnan,

I am not using the guest account.

I think that reason it works with a guest account is that by default guest has access to the top level /.

The guest user account was deleted from our rabbitmq servers, which is best practice in production environments.

I have created a datagerry user with full rights to the vhost called datagerry:

08:25:03.461 [info] <0.12057.14> Successfully set permissions for 'datagerry' in virtual host 'datagerry' to '.*', '.*', '.*'

 09:05:46.777 [info] <0.15121.14> accepting AMQP connection <0.15121.14> (cmdb1.x.y:41306 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672)
 09:05:46.777 [info] <0.15124.14> accepting AMQP connection <0.15124.14> (cmdb1.x.y:41312 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672)
 09:05:46.780 [error] <0.15121.14> Error on AMQP connection <0.15121.14> (cmdb1.x.y:41306 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672, user: 'datagerry', state: opening):
access to vhost '/' refused for user 'datagerry'
 09:05:46.781 [error] <0.15124.14> Error on AMQP connection <0.15124.14> (cmdb1.x.y:41312 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672, user: 'datagerry', state: opening):
access to vhost '/' refused for user 'datagerry'
 09:05:46.781 [info] <0.15121.14> closing AMQP connection <0.15121.14> (cmdb1.x.y:41306 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672, vhost: 'none', user: 'datagerry')
 09:05:46.782 [info] <0.15124.14> closing AMQP connection <0.15124.14> (cmdb1.x.y:41312 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672, vhost: 'none', user: 'datagerry')
 09:05:46.783 [info] <0.15132.14> Closing all channels from connection 'cmdb1.x.y:41306 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672' because it has been closed
 09:05:46.783 [info] <0.15134.14> Closing all channels from connection 'cmdb1.x.y:41312 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672' because it has been closed
 09:05:47.032 [info] <0.15152.14> accepting AMQP connection <0.15152.14> (cmdb1.x.y:41322 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672)
 09:05:47.038 [error] <0.15152.14> Error on AMQP connection <0.15152.14> (cmdb1.x.y:41322 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672, user: 'datagerry', state: opening):
access to vhost '/' refused for user 'datagerry'
 09:05:47.039 [info] <0.15152.14> closing AMQP connection <0.15152.14> (cmdb1.x.y:41322 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672, vhost: 'none', user: 'datagerry')
 09:05:47.040 [info] <0.15160.14> Closing all channels from connection 'cmdb1.x.y:41322 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672' because it has been closed
 09:05:47.042 [info] <0.15155.14> accepting AMQP connection <0.15155.14> (cmdb1.x.y:41336 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672)
 09:05:47.056 [error] <0.15155.14> Error on AMQP connection <0.15155.14> (cmdb1.x.y:41336 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672, user: 'datagerry', state: opening):
access to vhost '/' refused for user 'datagerry'
 09:05:47.066 [info] <0.15155.14> closing AMQP connection <0.15155.14> (cmdb1.x.y:41336 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672, vhost: 'none', user: 'datagerry')
 09:05:47.067 [info] <0.15165.14> Closing all channels from connection 'cmdb1.x.y:41336 -> rabbit1.x.y:5672' because it has been closed

I put more info into another thread. Perhaps these should be merged: