we are currently in the process of testing DataGerry. I am working on our datamodel but I ran into some issues after creating a few types today.
After creating the types, I was not able to organize them into categories. I can add them to the list and can hit “Save” but nothing happens - no forward to category list and the changes are not saved.
I thought it has to do with the types and deleted them and added them a few minutes later, but the issue is persistent. The “Save button” is greyed out after clicking and nothing changes.
We look at the behavior. For a more detailed analysis we need your console output from the browser (under Chrome and Firefox with F12 and then in the Console tab). Please clean up the console first and then save the category again. Thank you very much.
I think something is wrong with my docker container. As I tried to login on the website, I got an 502 error. I tried to restart the nginx container and got these error messages (as logged in as root):
ERROR: for datagerry_nginx_1 cannot stop container: 5b882b9b6dbd081fcfc75f65c510cefe1d473019a02ce91b7b4dde07d0093a87: Cannot kill container 5b882b9b6dbd081fcfc75f65c510cefe1d473019a02ce91b7b4dde07d0093a87: unknown error after kill: runc did not terminate sucessfully: container_linux.go:392: signaling init process caused “permission denied”
: unknown
ERROR: for datagerry_db_1 cannot stop container: 35f83b56726edbbeff08dcf1c38238b330070e0857134d75245f8d59401825bf: Cannot kill container 35f83b56726edbbeff08dcf1c38238b330070e0857134d75245f8d59401825bf: unknown error after kill: runc did not terminate sucessfully: container_linux.go:392: signaling init process caused “permission denied”
: unknown
ERROR: for datagerry_broker_1 cannot stop container: 7ebd1219acf62ed003789a82c22726592416781b06871eeef8ae4a8dd669675e: Cannot kill container 7ebd1219acf62ed003789a82c22726592416781b06871eeef8ae4a8dd669675e: unknown error after kill: runc did not terminate sucessfully: container_linux.go:392: signaling init process caused “permission denied”
: unknown
After restarting the whole system (VM on ESXi) whis was the console printout:
Console log starting at the point of loading the datagerry website:
Now I tried to change the categories itself. I can delete categories but I can not add them. Could this be a database issue? Should I try to downgrade?
Looks like the entry public_id is missing or undefined when creating types or categories. You can delete all categories from the database via database command and restart again.
Access to the Docker containers
displays all containers. (mycontainer) → docker ps
go into the container → docker exec -itmycontainerbash
Access the database from docker
access docker container (see above).
show MongoDB version → mongo --version
connect to MongoDB → mongo mongodb://hostname:port/ Example: (mongo mongodb://
show existing databases → show databases
Possible output:
admin 0.000GB
cmdb 0.001GB
config 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
specify which database → use example (use admin)
query database example → db.getCollection(“framework.categories”).find({}) // find all categories
I deleted the framework.categories collection (with db.framework.categories.drop()). I restartet the VM but I can still noch add / change categories. The categories list is empty. The console shows the following:
######## CONNECTION TRY ########
main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1 With URL: http://cmdb.system-helden.de/rest/
main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1 NO USER → REDIRECT TO LOGIN
main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘public_id’)
at d._next (main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1)
at d.__tryOrUnsub (main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1)
at d.next (main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1)
at l._next (main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1)
at l.next (main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1)
at r._subscribe (main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1)
at r._trySubscribe (main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1)
at r._trySubscribe (main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1)
at r.subscribe (main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1)
at e._subscribe (main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1)
Oa @ main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1
main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1 User settings loaded
main-es2015.30e2cb0b7e8e08891a98.js:1 false
So tested it with firefox: It worked … for a few minutes. I could create categories, could change them (did not work in chrome or safari). But after a few minutes: No connection to database and the docker container for datagerry was not running.
Tried to restart the container but got the following error:
ERROR: for datagerry_datagerry_1 Cannot start service datagerry: OCI runtime create failed: container with id exists: a222e26b90dd3b607af20dfd3c76e816e81406755ccc13de723d5829e3b97f29: unknown
ERROR: for datagerry Cannot start service datagerry: OCI runtime create failed: container with id exists: a222e26b90dd3b607af20dfd3c76e816e81406755ccc13de723d5829e3b97f29: unknown
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
The db.framework.categories collection is required to run DATAGERRY. If you have deleted the collection, DATAGERY will recreate the necessary collection. If DATAGERRY does not do this for whatever reason, I would recommend to recreate this collection manually. Furthermore, it looks like you have a type or object that has not been assigned a public_id. Here you can export all types / objects once and see if the public_id is missing or nothing is entered for types / objects.
After getting the previous error. I reversed the VM to the original state (before posting the initial bugreport). I then tried to replicate the error with three browsers:
Firefox: works fine, no errors
Chrome: same error, no effect if saving category → when deleting types from category it works (does not reflect until doing a reload, site is stuck with greyed out save button), does not work with adding types (is also stuck with greyed out save button but no effect on type association)
Safari: same error, no effect if saving category → same as in Chrome