Functionality with logged users

For me as app datagerry admin it will be great info who users are log in or log out (maybe only a some icon:
green - log in and active session,
gray - log out
yellow - log in but idle/inactive)

and this functionality should inform about users with local and ldap authentication

Maybe also could show information about log in and log out in logs?

sorry that in this topic but i think it is easy change
in logs ~/logs/webapp.loh are information example:

[2023-12-05 10:27:55][ERROR   ] --- [Search Framework Rest]: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '10\\.117\\.0\\.198' (
[2023-12-05 12:53:40][ERROR   ] --- [Search Framework Rest]: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'bla bla' (
[2023-12-05 12:54:13][ERROR   ] --- [Search Framework Rest]: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'ble' (

a) in that information could be also information who searches some expression
b) it is not Error - this is normal expresion what user is looking for
c) in log there should be more INFO type information

Hi @marcinw,
one of our future features is to improve the logging and adding a reporting feature but for now the next big topic is to improve the relations between objects like 1:n and m:n relations.

We will consinder your input when we start the planning :).

BR Adnan